It has been a while, I know.
I can't say I've had a lot going on in my life, but it does seem to get on top of me.
The Cardboard Cartographer has taken a sabbatical until I feel like the time is right to re-start it.
I think the every two weeks schedule was killing me joy wise.
I'm also thinking about bringing a friend in to help me out with the playing games side of things...
Also, I finally went and set up a youtube channel.
It is mainly for research... eventually I want a multi person channel playing games of all varieties.
Time will tell on that one.
If you want to watch my latest project evolve then head to my YouTube channel.
I don't have my own URL yet, but in time who knows?
That's all for now.
I'll try to get some more updates in soon....
I have been working on several projects, I just haven't been posting about them.
Until next time