So there has been some inexplicably high traffic of late (at least, high for me at least).
This blog is asserting its existence it would appear.
I have given a lot of thought to writing many an article.
There are many topics which have been scratching at my mind, begging to given form.
A lot of these topics are divisive, which is great! It would allow me to rant about something, which is always a cathartic experience for me.
On the flip side my philosophy over the past couple of years has been 'don't be a dick' (unless it is while gaming, obviously).
This is not only advice I would give out to both competing sides, but also myself, thus preventing any real structured debate to form in my mind.
However, with the general election looming I don't know how long I can keep a lid on it.
The Cardboard Cartographer is doing well.
So far I've put up 3 issues covering some gaming news, Kickstarter previews as well a some reviews. In issue 3 we talked Five Tribes and the controversial 'Slave Card.'
You can read about that (in two parts) here - The Cardboard Cartographer Issue 3 - Five Tribes
Issue 4 will come out this weekend so be sure to check back on Sunday!
In other news, I've been trying to do more creative things again.
This process has been somewhat delayed due to preparing for future house redecorating , but I am doing things. And stuff.
So far it has mainly been sketches and thinking about ideas, but today I had a lot of time to kill so I did this;

I haven't used water colours in over 10 years.
It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be, but to create an authentic watercolour 'feel,' may be a little more challenging.
Anyway, that is all for now.
Thanks for checking this out,
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