I know I've posted these piecemeal over the course of about a year?
But I thought you'd appreciate them all in one place, to admire more readily at your leisure!
Before that I'd like to say some things.
If you've followed this project form the begging, thank you!
Watching my view count creep higher and higher has always drove me forward.... when I've thought about quitting the thought that someone out there is semi interested gave me a little push to carry on.
If you are new here, I also thank you!
Thanks all round; for taking some time out of your day to read some pointless words, and check out some models by some dude on the internet.
So without further adieu...
The good guys!







The Bad guys.



Brown Rats

Grey Rats


Lets adventure!

And there you have it folks.
I actually have gone and completed another thing.
The world must be ending right?
Once again thanks for reading.
If you want to talk about models you can drop me a comment or Tweet me @DarKHaZZl3.
Feel free to leave comments, constructive criticism and even share your own... I'd love to see them!
Also, I will consider commissions, so if you think I may be a fit for you, drop me a message and we can discuss that too!
Be sure to check out my other projects too!
All the links are to the left of the page :)
That's all for now.
I'm working on some other stuff, so stay tuned.
Until then...
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