That is a pun.
Something I usually reserve for The Underhive Hero, but seeing how this post is somewhat craft related I think it is fitting.
I've spent a lot of my free time over the last year watching videos on YouTube.
I try to keep up to date on my selected YouTubers shows each day/week and idly trundle through their back catalogs when I'm bored.
This is something I never thought I'd end up doing, but there you have it.
One of these people is a lady who goes by the handle Dodger.
you can check out her two channel here - DexBonus & Press Heart To Continue
One day I stumbled upon this:
I love this idea.
After a bit more trawling I noticed Dodger had previously made another video where she made coasters with maps and tiles too.
I thought this looked like it could be a lot of fun and easily personalised, so I thought I'd give it a go.
After some intense research, I found it near impossible to find reasonably priced wooden...anything in the UK.
So I headed down to a local discount tile warehouse and picked up a few free samples to try the idea out on.
I ordered a Skyrim map from eBay and butchered myself the corner piece.
No one is going to want this piece, so I didn't mind messing it up.
Here is the result;

And here it is in use (under a 330ml can of coke) for size comparison;

I think it came out pretty well.
I think in future I'll mess the map up a little more; added scrunching, some tears and burns maybe.... who knows.
Now all I need to do is go and grab a ton of the slate tile I used to make this one and I can have some matching coasters!
Not the biggets update I know, but I've been kept busy of late with the usual stuff.
Issue 5 of The Cardboard Cartographer e-zine is out. A review of Cash and Guns second edition amongst other things awaits on the other side of that link.
I also managed to do some painting! I finally finished my Lamp Posts for my War Gaming board, you can check it out over on The Underhive Hero or my hobby thread on The Bolter and Chainsword.
I've been working on my Dungeons and Dragons campaign with some story writing, adventure planning and lots of sketches and drawings.
I have started to do some research on another 'rant like' post, so if you miss the Political stuff it might well be making a strong comeback. I cannot abide by the state of things currently.
Anyway that's all for now.
Comment, Tweet me @DarkHaZZl3 or ignore this. Whatever floats your boat
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